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The Guide to Being a Rep in Kavos

Table of Contents

26th November 2024

Vacation Vacation Vacation

I think the first thing a lot of people assume is that working as a rep is just a free holiday. Sure, you get to spend summer in the blazing heat, getting tanned and having the odd cocktail, but there’s so much more you’ve signed up for. Responsibilities first, you’re goal is to give everybody the summer of their lives. You’re not much use if you’re in bed, hungover everyday. It’s definitely good to find balance. Treat yourself on your days off! Doesn’t mean you still can’t have fun at events you’re working, but just don’t overdo it or else you’ll be tired out before the summer’s even started.

There’s also so much to learn working as a rep. Organisation, first-aid, problem solving and even crisis management. Pretty much all crisis’s you’ll face though are minor, like someone losing their mates – but good to be prepared. It’s really the perfect work experience, all in a lovely hot country!

The Resort’s No Maze

You might have heard, Kavos is one of the smaller resorts. All in all it just makes it so much easier to keep track of where everyone and everything is! Definitely why so many new clubbers come here for their first summer away. Even if someone’s wandered off, you’re bound to find them in no time. Plus, no big treks to venues or events!

For us reps, it means that we’re never too far away for people to find us if they need to. Take the pressure off a little ‘cause you’re much more available to people.

You’re the one essentially supplying the handbook to partying in Kavos. Still, everyone you meet is going to be aged anywhere from 17-30! You shouldn’t be at everyone’s beck and call just because you’re a rep in Kavos! Usually everyone’s pretty respectful of each other’s time which is great. You might get the odd person asking you for a spare toothbrush at 4 in the morning. Best just to leave that request!


Hold the Answers, Not Their Hand

You’re the one essentially supplying the handbook to partying in Kavos. Still, everyone you meet is going to be aged anywhere from 17-30! You shouldn’t be at everyone’s beck and call just because you’re a rep in Kavos! Usually everyone’s pretty respectful of each other’s time which is great. You might get the odd person asking you for a spare toothbrush at 4 in the morning. Best just to leave that request!

Cheap as Chips

It’s always gonna be a great highlight when you don’t have to blow everything you have on food or drink. Everything in the resort is really affordable luckily so you’re set all summer. You could even treat yourself with something on a day off – spa day, watersports, guided tour? The perks that come with being a rep in Kavos make life so much easier especially on a night out. You’re not constantly worrying if you’re gonna be out of pocket the next day.

See the Sights

It might be easy to forget where you are while you’re working as a rep in Kavos but there are some really nice spots in Kavos. Any chance to explore, I’d recommend. Especially if you just want a day away from the tunes blasting by the pool! There’s the Blue Lagoon, a bit further down the coastline. I’d never seen anything like it, the sea is so blue and warm, and you’re surrounded by these amazing cliffs. Plenty of people go swimming there and the Booze Cruise actually stops there too. Just a chance to zone out and make the most of your time away from home.


Although you’re working, it’s still so great to be able to go to these events all summer. I reckon my favourites were the Booze Cruise and also the Paint Party. Seeing all the stunning coastline while having a rave on a boat is really what I’d been dreaming about. And the paint party is just a great chance to get messy and let loose. I can’t think of a better way to destress than throwing buckets of paint at each other. It might be a big draw for partiers to become reps – they get a taste of the events and wish they could come back every week. Or they just want to be in charge of soaking others in paint. It’s one or the other.

The People

Both Reps and Party Harders are always a highlight of the trip. It’s usually the people that make it and you’ll be left with plenty of stories and friends for life. Reps seem to come back year after year, because of the friends they’ve made along the way. Then you’re kind of like a little unit and you all stick together to make sure you have an unforgettable summer.

If you fancy joining the Party Hard Travel and becoming a rep in Kavos for summer 2025 in, just get in touch through our Contacts page!

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